Coverup: A Fresh Look

PRICE:$75.00 SALE PRICE:$75.00
Coverup: A Fresh Look
DVD, 1 hour 45 minutes
As the tattoo art form continues to evolve and grow in popularity, knowing what to do about unwanted tattoos is becoming more and more crucial for tattoo artists. Despite the enormous artistic growth in tattooing over the past two decades, there still seems to be a fundamental gap in understanding what coverup tattooing is all about and how to avoid making dark, dense, obvious coverups.
Coverup: A Fresh Look was filmed at the 2015 Worldwide Tattoo Conference, and was designed to go over the most crucial theory behind what makes coverups either work or not work, and shows many examples in both photo and video form on several different types of coverup projects from small, single-pass pieces to large, epic transformations, and everything in between. It also goes into detail about the laser, showing several sample projects and discussing in detail the realities of the laser. Video examples are close up and detailed, and the live format also allowed for some insightful audience questions to round out the program. 1 hour and 45 minutes, for professional tattooists only!
NOTE: If you are already a subscriber to Reinventing The Tattoo, this video is included FREE as part of the Reinventing curriculum. Just check your Table Of Contents and go to Part 8 where you'll not only find the entire video but also a comprehensive section of the book on the coverup subject. If you are not yet a subscriber, consider joining before you buy the DVD... it's definitely the most educational bang for your buck. Drop by to read more!